roblem of procrastination.
- spend hours doing something else.
- don’t even enjoy it and feel quite guilty about it.
T he ideas of Pomodoro Technique.
- Set a timer for 25 minutes and spend it focusing on your chosen single task.
- Take 5 minutes break.
- Rinse and repeat!
roblem of procrastination.
- spend hours doing something else.
- don’t even enjoy it and feel quite guilty about it.
T he ideas of Pomodoro Technique.
- Set a timer for 25 minutes and spend it focusing on your chosen single task.
- Take 5 minutes break.
- Rinse and repeat!
I think the idea is to know yourself that you’re gonna work it out for 25 minutes which is a short-term-reachable-goal.
I think the idea is to know yourself that you’re gonna work it out for 25 minutes which is a short-term-reachable-goal. And then take your reward of relaxation without feeling guilty. And going at it again.
It’s kind of trick your mind to the goal and rewards but if your productivity is better, why not?
- There is no such thing as 80% prmodori. It’s always 25 mins.
- f your task finish before 25 mins?
Keep going to make it better. To create this into to your habits. - Actually this is so like the concept of “Power of the Habits”.
A good read indeed. - finally, after 4 pomodori, take a longer break of 15 to 30 minutes.